Weekly | Top 7 GitHub Repos | Week 45 - 2024
Noteworthy frontend repos that first shipped more than a month ago but less than a year ago.
#7. RGBCube/Site
The official website and link portal of RGBCube and his work.
Repo topic tags: 3d, css, cube, homepage, html, maud, no-js, no-webgl, rgb, rgbcube, rust, ssr, no-threejs, deno, lume, static-site
Its up 7 new stars this week from 1 total star last week. It ranked at #144 by new stars relative to its star count one week prior to 2024-09-22.
This repo was first pushed to Github on 2023-12-30. Its license was listed as: GNU General Public License v3.0. Its primary language is TypeScript.
#6. 5tigerjelly/chrome-extension-react-template
Ready to use Chrome extension template with React Typescript + Vite
Repo topic tags: chrome-extension, react, reactjs, vite, vitejs
Its up 7 new stars this week from 1 total star last week. It ranked at #169 by new stars relative to its star count one week prior to 2024-09-22.
This repo was first pushed to Github on 2024-07-07. Its primary language is CSS.
#5. SahilK-027/0x7444ff
This repository is a creative collection of GLSL shaders, crafted purely for the joy of digital art development. Enjoy the junction where technology meets the Art!!!
Repo topic tags: canvas, glsl, shaders, webgl
Its up 7 new stars this week from 1 total star last week. It ranked at #154 by new stars relative to its star count one week prior to 2024-09-22.
This repo was first pushed to Github on 2024-01-22. Its primary language is JavaScript.
#4. Prorupak/figma-plugin-sample
Repo topic tags: expressjs, figma-plugin, firebase, firebase-realtime-database, javascript, pkce-authentication, typescript
Its up 8 new stars this month from 0 total star last month. It ranked at #1340 by new stars relative to its star count one month prior to 2024-09-22.
This repo was first pushed to Github on 2024-09-17. Its license was listed as: MIT License. Its primary language is TypeScript.
#3. rafaballerini/meu-site-html
Projeto desenvolvido no vÃdeo abaixo, em que ensino tudo sobre HTML do zero para quem deseja iniciar em programação. Nele aprendemos diversas tags e criamos uma página de quiz para programadores!
Repo topic tags: educational, html, html-learning, html-tutorial, learn-html, quizz, youtube
Its up 32 new stars this month from 0 total star last month. It ranked at #292 by new stars relative to its star count one month prior to 2024-09-22.
This repo was first pushed to Github on 2024-09-18. Its primary language is HTML.
#2. clarkmcc/xyflow-node-editor
A blender-style node editor for React, built on xyflow
Repo topic tags: blender, blueprint, editor, graph, node, xyflow, typescript, web
Its up 7 new stars this week from 30 total stars last week. It ranked at #3085 by new stars relative to its star count one week prior to 2024-09-22.
This repo was first pushed to Github on 2024-01-12. Its license was listed as: MIT License. Its primary language is TypeScript.
#1. unovue/inspira-ui
Build beautiful website using Vue & Nuxt.
Repo topic tags: components, shadcn-ui, shadcn-vue, ui-components, vue, vuejs, tailwindcss
Its up 10 new stars this week from 23 total stars last week. It ranked at #606 by new stars relative to its star count one week prior to 2024-09-22.
This repo was first pushed to Github on 2024-09-04. Its license was listed as: MIT License. Its primary language is Vue.